Friday, August 28, 2009

Job and Internet Woes

I am sick today! My throat is all scratchy and I can't quit coughing. Come on Tylenol Cold, kick in now! Please!

So, I found out yesterday that my contract job has decided to hire "the other girl." This is solely because she already has her CPA. I have to sit for the exam myself, but that requires income. Being as I'm only working this contract job so I have enough money to pay my bills means that I don't have additional income to pay for "the" exam. Apparently, you're just not good enough (even though I have been doing the work well for 5 weeks now), unless you have those 3 little letters after your name. I think I might actually be relieved. The work was pretty simple, which is great for the short term, boring in the long term.

Yesterday our Internet router at home died. My darling husband was on the ball and called Verizon immediately. The support associate told him that they no longer send technicians out for this, they just send out a new router and you have to send the old one in. My husband gave the guy a guilt trip about being without Internet service all weekend and missing our Fantasy Football Draft on Saturday morning. (I so did not want to have to sit at Starbucks for a couple of hours to do my draft!) Anyways, the guy promised to try to have it overnighted to us. As of the moment, it is expected to be delivered today. Gosh I hope so! I was expressing my frustrations on Twitter yesterday and I yelled "Damn Verizon"! A fellow tweeter responded very wisely I might add, "We don't damn Verizon, Verizon damns us!" SO TRUE!

OK, so fingers crossed that I get better, I get a job with some insurance ASAP, and we get our new router today, and more importantly that it works!

Happy Friday everyone!

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