Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Internet Weirdness....

I apologize in advance for any sensitive readers I might have.....
Last night my husband was surfing one of his favorite (PG) movie related sites and he came upon a most unusual entry. He hollered for me to come see it immediately because it was so disturbing.
Now, if you know anything about Twilight, you'll know that the vampires "sparkle" and this is how people know that they are not human. Some enterprising individual has created an "adult toy" that sparkles like the vampires in Twilight. It also sickeningly adds that you can put it in the freezer for that authentic "happy time" with a vampire experience. GAK! That is just gross.
Anyways, now that I have left y'all with horrifying images, I hope y'all have a great rest of your day!
By the way, is it Friday yet?

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