Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rain, rain go away....

Why is it that the only day it rains is the day you didn't check the weather forecast? Also, the day you are working in downtown Dallas and you left your umbrella in the car? And....the parking garage you are parked in is two blocks away?!? This is just the afternoon I've been having. Sigh....
So, I'm still working at this contract job and waiting for the "new girl" to come in for the permanent position. They don't talk to me here. It's like I'm invisible. At least I get some money! So, after meeting with another recruiter this week, he informs me that no jobs will probably be moving for my industry of accounting until after the October 15th deadline. Well, that's just not good enough! That's ANOTHER month without a job! I've applied to every job on Monster and CareerBuilder, I don't know what else I could possibly do. I harass all the recruiters that contacted me to no end. It doesn't help. What's a girl gotta do for one measly interview? I wouldn't even mind having an interview and them saying yes we'll hire you, it just won't be until November 1st, or something like that. At least I would know I have something lined up then!
I would like to start a family with my husband, but I have to have a job first! It seems like no matter what the family plans get pushed farther and farther back. I'm 29, I'm not getting any younger! Please God! Give me a little help here! I want to raise wonderful Christian children, I want that joy in life please! Ok, sorry that was a little over the top. I'm feeling quite emotional today. Thanks for listening!

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