Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rain, rain go away....

Why is it that the only day it rains is the day you didn't check the weather forecast? Also, the day you are working in downtown Dallas and you left your umbrella in the car? And....the parking garage you are parked in is two blocks away?!? This is just the afternoon I've been having. Sigh....
So, I'm still working at this contract job and waiting for the "new girl" to come in for the permanent position. They don't talk to me here. It's like I'm invisible. At least I get some money! So, after meeting with another recruiter this week, he informs me that no jobs will probably be moving for my industry of accounting until after the October 15th deadline. Well, that's just not good enough! That's ANOTHER month without a job! I've applied to every job on Monster and CareerBuilder, I don't know what else I could possibly do. I harass all the recruiters that contacted me to no end. It doesn't help. What's a girl gotta do for one measly interview? I wouldn't even mind having an interview and them saying yes we'll hire you, it just won't be until November 1st, or something like that. At least I would know I have something lined up then!
I would like to start a family with my husband, but I have to have a job first! It seems like no matter what the family plans get pushed farther and farther back. I'm 29, I'm not getting any younger! Please God! Give me a little help here! I want to raise wonderful Christian children, I want that joy in life please! Ok, sorry that was a little over the top. I'm feeling quite emotional today. Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

This three day weekend was a blur. Friday night I went baby shower shopping with my sister, then we ate at Genghis Grill (YUM!) with my husband. Then we went back to the house and watched "I Love You Man" which was actually pretty funny. Saturday I got to relax a little bit while Mike worked on his portfolio. Then we ran down to Arlington for my dad's birthday. We saw "Extract" which was pretty hilarious, then we went to Chili's for dinner. I told the waitress it was his birthday and when she asked him if it was his 21st birthday, he said "Close enough!"
On Sunday it was driving down to Burleson for my cousin's 7 year old son's birthday party. I got to chat with the family for awhile while all the kiddos played. I always feel out of place at a kid's birthday party because I don't have any kids. My cousin had me take all the cake and opening presents pictures so that was a lot of fun! All the other little kids kept trying to open his presents! Afterwards, we hung out at my cousin's house for a bit and enjoying chatting. On Monday I didn't have to work! Yeah! My husband worked on his portfolio all day and I got to finish a book I had been reading. I was pretty happy with the ending. Later in the day we ventured out to the park by our house (we had never been there) and we took the dogs with us. They loved it and they passed out when we got home. We have to find a dog park near our house so we can let them off-leash. Well that's my crazy weekend. Hope y'all had a good one!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fantasy Football & True Blood "BYE" Week

So, here it 2009 Fantasy Football team. I actually remembered my draft this year.
J Cutler

K Warner
B Westbrook
D McFadden
L Washington
R Williams
S Moss
N Washington
P Crayton
J Witten
D Lee
N Folk
N Rackers
Indianapolis (DST)

I'm excited to see how this "season" plays out. I got 2nd place in my league last year.

So, this week my favorite show True Blood is having a "BYE" week because of the Labor Day holiday. I would say this is good because people won't miss it while they are out of town. It's a bad thing because this gives the show a break before it's season finale. Kinda sucky. Also, the rumors are we'll have to wait a whole year for Season 3 to start. I anticipate withdrawal symptoms around March I would say.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's Only Tuesday...

I had an interview with another recruiter today. I think it went well. Problem is, I have lots of recruiters, but I never get sent to any interviews. I guess the job market is just too saturated with people looking for jobs right now. I never thought it would be so difficult to find an accounting job. I should probably just start studying really hard for the CPA exam and work on taking that instead of job-hunting, at least then I'd be accomplishing something.
I wish I could go somewhere for the holiday weekend but I don't have the funds. This is alright, because my dad's birthday is Saturday, and my cousin's son's birthday party is on Sunday so at least we'll have some cake to look forward to! My cousin's daughter has been going around telling the kids at her school that she's a vampire and she's going to suck their blood. She's 5, so I think this is quite amusing. Apparently some show on the Disney channel had vampires in it so this is where she got the idea. Her mom told her not to bite people because she could go to the store and buy her blood juice. Hanging out with those two characters surprisingly makes me want to have kiddos of my own even more. :)